Canine Locomotion Center

Dedicated to Transforming Canine Lives Through Precision Orthopedics and Proactive Care

Our Founder’s Vision: Your Dog’s Health

Our Vision: Precision Orthopedics for Canine Well-Being

At Canine Locomotion Center, our goal is clear: to deliver precise structural and functional diagnostics for orthopedic conditions in dogs. We employ advanced diagnostic tools, including X-rays, CT scans, and MRI, to uncover the underlying causes of orthopedic issues. Additionally, our functional motion diagnostics delve into critical factors such as stance and swing phases, range of motion, extension/flexion, symmetries, and gyroscope signals, providing a comprehensive view of a dog’s musculoskeletal health.

Beyond diagnosis, our services extend to proactive measures. We specialize in the growth stages of puppies (LupoMove® Puppy), prevention of conditions like HD/ED, OCD, and Panostitis, and the physical development of sport and working dogs. Our expertise also encompasses the classification of hip and elbow dysplasia, as well as advanced lameness diagnostics, differentiating between real and projected pain.

Furthermore, we offer a unique capability: diagnosing exercise-induced lameness through functional measurements before and after training sessions. This approach allows us to assess and compare functional features before and after exertion, providing valuable insights into a dog’s physical well-being.

“Controlled” is the key word – purely quantitative exercise leads to overstraining and consequential damage.

Dr. Patrick Blättler Monnier, DVM, Dipl. VETMED, the visionary founder of Hundebewegungszentrum

With a profound commitment to enhancing canine health and a rich history in veterinary medicine, Dr. Blättler Monnier embarked on a mission to redefine orthopedic care for our four-legged companions. Since graduating from the University of Bern in 1993, he has remained at the forefront of the field, driven by an unyielding passion for innovation.

As a founding member of 4dvets AG, the orthoVET Clinic in Switzerland and the creator of the VWACKCLNOR World Veterinary Organisation for Canine Kinematics, his dedication extends beyond clinical practice. Research, education, and training for veterinarians are integral aspects of his daily endeavors.

Pioneering LupoGait®: Turning Vision into Reality

Once just a vision of Dr. Patrick Blättler Monnier, LupoGait® became a reality through his tireless dedication and collaboration with internal and external experts. This revolutionary mobile gait diagnostic system was born out of the need to objectively identify non-structural movement abnormalities in dogs.

Dr. Blättler Monnier’s profound commitment to canine health led him to specialize in the orthopedically kinematic control of puppy development since 2015. His comprehensive prophylaxis system covers a dog’s entire life span, from puppyhood to adulthood, encompassing considerations for sport and working dogs, as well as geriatric canines.

While his focus on older dogs primarily centers on pain reduction, a central stress factor in a dog’s body, with repercussions on the immune system and metabolism, his work with younger dogs emphasizes controlled growth and early detection of potential hip and elbow joint instabilities.

To ensure that this valuable service reaches a wider audience, Dr. Blättler Monnier collaborated with the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland to develop LupoGait®. Today, the company 4Dvets further refines and distributes this groundbreaking mobile gait diagnostics system. Our mission is to make this revolutionary technology accessible to therapists, dog owners, and dogs worldwide, providing a brighter and healthier future for our canine companions.

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We would love for you to become part of our growing dog exercise centre community. Follow us on social media to stay up to date, benefit from informative posts and tips, and stay in touch. Together we are committed to the health and well-being of our four-legged friends. Join us and share your love for dogs!